Thursday, February 11, 2010

Man Crush Hall of Shame January 2010: Tiger Woods

Reason for Fame:
This one is easy. It's because he kicks ass at a sport I never really followed until he joined it. End of Story.

Oh that's not enough for you? Ok, how about the racial barriers he brought to light in a sport no one really cared about?

Still not enough? How about the uber hot blonde Scandenavian wife of his and the millions upon millions of dollars he makes for just being him?

Reason for Shame:
Ok, I'll admit this right away. This is about as reactionary as unstable reactions can get. As of this post, 15 women have come out as having had an affair with him. Now this can differ from person to person, but my morals say that once you put a ring on the finger of a special woman, even one single affair is inexcuseable. At fifteen affairs, you're revealing a whole new douchbag of problems. And on a lesser note, none of the women he cheated with were by any means hotter than his wife (did I mention she was a hot blonde Scandenavian?). A lot of the pictures of these women looked like the kind you could find at the corner of STD Road and Are-You-Out-Of-Your-Damn-Mind Blvd.

Then there's the fact that he's got kids with his wife. Kids. If you got kids and you have an affair, you've earned yourself a permanent footnote in my Guide To Be a Idiot (pending).

Dudes, let's step aside for a manly morality check: If you're unhappy with your marriage, then talk to your spouse. You may not like the results (divorce, counseling, fat lip), but it's the moral thing to do. Don't go stepping out on your wife with the first piece of tail that seems drunk enough to let you slip into her naughty bits. You made a pledge and real men keep their promises unless it ends up hurting too many people to keep it. If your marriage does end in divorce, then you can go buckwild into whatever direction you want (be a little responsible if you have kids though).

So Tiger Woods, I know that this is a quick judgement on you and probably only 7 of the 15 affairs are true, but if I stack on the hot wife and 2 kids, you've pretty much gotten to this dishonor while lying on your back. But who knows, maybe in time, the shame status won't sting so much... look at Kobe Bryant.

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