Friday, February 26, 2010

Man Crush Honorable Mention: Isaiah Mustafa

Don’t recognize the name? Maybe you’ll recognize the commercial (played often in movie theaters recently before the previews). It’s also apparently a web hit as well (link). When I first saw this commercial when the Doc and I went to watch It’s Complicated, I laughed my ass off. Sure, a lot of the credit probably should go to the marketing department of Old Spice or the writers of that commercial, but they’re the same guys that forced those unfunny commercials with Tony Stewart and Brian Urlacher flashbacks. Happily, I believe they got it right with Isaiah Mustafa.

The commercials (now 2) with him are funny. They’re a little more over the top than the great ones starring Bruce Campbell, but they hit all of the right notes with his uber-manly delivery and surreal premise. Is he Bruce Campbell? Of course not. Only Bruce Campbell can be Bruce Campbell.

I’ll admit it. I’ve never heard of Isaiah Mustafa before the Old Spice commercial. So I looked him up in IMDB and found his page. Apparently, he’s been in guest spots for NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles. Also, it looks like he’s going to have a part in an upcoming episode of Castle… That’s three shows I watch regularly! And that’s why he gets an honorable mention in the Man Crush section.

And, Isaiah, if you’re reading this, feel free to put this on your résumé.

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