Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Man Crush of March 2010: Gerard Butler

Runners-Up: Jay Baruchel (How to Train Your Dragon, She’s Out of My League), Robert Downey Jr. (Sherlock Holmes), Nathan Fillion (Castle)

Boy, this month was a toss-up for me, but I had to give props to the man whose movies I’ve actually seen this month. Like always, let’s give a hand to the runners-up.

Jay Baruchel, kudos to you. At the end of the month, you are the lead voice actor in the country’s number one movie and you were also in the lead of a movie where you got to be the dopey guy that lands a hottie (Alice Eve, keep your eyes out for this one). I can see you being the next Michael Cera. Robert Downey Jr., your Golden Globe winning performance is coming out on Blu-ray and it’s definitely going into my collection. Congrats to Nathan Fillion for the cool Tick, Tick, Tick… and Boom episodes of Castle and the news that the show has been renewed for a third season of 22 episodes. It’s great that you are finally in a well-rated show that lasted more than a season. I still weep about Firefly and I don’t count Two Guys and a Girl because that was more a Ryan Reynolds showcase.

Now on to the man on top! Gerard Butler!

Some of you may be asking, “How did he beat Jay Baruchel?” Well, for one, he’s also in How To Train Your Dragon, though not the lead. Secondly, he was in The Bounty Hunter, which is doing better than Jay’s other movie in the box office and Mr. Butler got to kiss Jennifer Aniston (uber-hottie) and slap her on the ass. I can only imagine the number of times he had to re-do that over and over again until they got that right. Third was the fact that I got bum rushed by his movies in Netflix. In consecutive mailings, I got Gamer, followed by Law Abiding Citizen, followed by Did You Hear About the Morgans?… unrelated and a choice for the Doc. But the one thing that set them apart are all the rumors around about him hooking up with Jennifer Aniston while they were making the movie. He said it was just innocent flirting. Even if it was just flirting, the fact that he got to do it with Jennifer Aniston is crush-worthy.

Gamer was created by the same guys that did Crank and Crank 2 so there was a lot of gratuitous action with a flimsy story. Come on, one of the DVD special features was a 30-minute gush-fest over the new hi-tech digital camera they used. I can only truly recommend this movie is you believe the premise can happen in the future, you are an avid Michael C. Hall fan, you love anything that has Ludacris, or you can’t see anything bad about a movie that has a tea bagging in the first five minutes.

Law Abiding Citizen is still sitting on my TV stand because I haven’t had the time to watch it yet since the Doc got me Final Fantasy 13 for my b-day, but it’s definitely a movie I want to watch.

The Bounty Hunter was a so-so movie in my opinion, but it definitely had its funny moments. Yeah, I watched it with the Doc in the theaters. I really wished that in one of his on-screen arguments with Jennifer Aniston’s character, he’d yell out, “This is Sparta!” like he did in 300. I would have given the movie an instant thumbs-up if he did that. I guess my main gripe about the movie was how unbalanced it was. It didn’t seem to know if it wanted to be a situational comedy like Friends or a zany comedy like The Hangover, and you can totally tell when they half-assed on both. The scenes with Jason Sudeikis were funny, though out of place due to the over-the-top SNL-esque of the humor. Gerard Butler definitely came out on top as the funniest in movie.

Then there were all those tabloid rumors about him and Jennifer Aniston. So to say that I’ve been exposed to Gerard Butler in the month of March would be an understatement.

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